
今日はMASARUのお母さんからもらった梨と、Red Bullからもらったドリンクを飲みながら映画を見ました。個人的には、ファミチキとRed Bullのコラボが一番最高だとおもってますが、Red Bullと梨は意外に合う!!


映画の中のMassimo Vignelliの言葉が凄く心に残った。



Today saw the movie while eating a pear and drinking a red bull. The collaboration of a pear and a red bull is good. haha
I saw a movie "helvetica". I wished to see it from before. An upside movie is trail and opening.
Helvetica is sans-serif typeface used all over the world. And I also often use.
Univers and Arial is elegant and modern. So good type. But i think the Helvetica is more Natural and elegant and modern and neutral. Helvetica is perfect.

Massimo Vignelli said in the movie.

"A good typographer always has sensitivity about the distance between letters. we think that typography is black and white. typography is really white, ya know, it’s not even black. it’s the space between the blacks that really makes it. In a sense it is like music. It is not the notes, it is the space you put between the notes that makes the music."

His words were impressive.
I remembered having read In Praise of Shadows of Junichiro Tanizaki at the time of a high school student. They were said the same thing. I also studied newly.

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